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Stable Diffusion을 활용한 서비스를 만들어 볼 수 있을까?

soulduse 2023. 7. 24. 15:54

이 글은 Stable Diffusion 을 활용하여 관련 서비스를 만들고자 할 때 생각해본 아이디어를 정리한 글입니다.



1. Upload images from users with the API
2. create and sort directories
3. create a txt with BLIP captions
4. Train LoRA and create a LoRA file.
5. move the LoRA file to the Lora folder in Stable Diffusion
6. write a prompt (or utilize a user input prompt)
7. Create images (5 to 20)
8. Upload the image and LoRA file to S3. You will also need to insert a history for the user in MySQL.
    - Insert the user_id, image URL, and LoRA URL.
    - Apply TTL to the image and LoRA file uploads that will be stored in S3 for AWS price reduction.
9. delete the image and LoRA file from the GPU server instance
10. Send a job done push to the user.

11. Wrap all of the above together to implement the queue as an SQS Queue.


