반응형 code deploy1 ElasticBeanstalk + GithubAction Deployment failed: Error 해결 GithunAction + ElasticBeanstalk 조합으로 서버 코드 배포 자동화를 해놨는데, 이게 간헐적으로(매우 높은 확률로) 아래와 같이 흘러가다가 GithubAction 상에서 에러로 남아 있는게 아닌가..! Warning: Environment update finished, but health is Red and health status is Degraded. Giving it 30 seconds to recover... 01:27:22 INFO: New application version was deployed to running EC2 instances. 01:27:22 INFO: Environment update completed successfully. Warning: Enviro.. 2024. 2. 8. 이전 1 다음 반응형